Money-Making Articles Every Real Estate Blog Needs

Money-Making Articles Every Real Estate Blog Needs

When would be a good time to start raking in the dough from your real estate blog?
How about yesterday?!
It kills me to see how many real estate professionals still don’t realize that they can get filthy fucking rich from a real estate blog!
While there is a lot that goes into making a real estate blog profitable, it is not nearly as tough as many people assume.
One of the most critical components of a lucrative blog is the content, of course.
If you are anything like most real estate pros with a blog, you struggle to come up with content ideas that bolster readership, garner subscribers, and convert cold leads. The good news is that you’re here now and I am going to solve that problem for you once and for all in today’s post.

The Benefits

Regardless of whether you are an agent trying to attract more clients, or a broker attempting to attract more agents, there are certain benefits you want your target to be aware of.
“Benefits of” posts are some of my favorite because they allow you to spell out to your target all of the reasons why they should do whatever it is that you want them to do.
For example, let’s say that you are a broker trying to recruit and train your agents, you should be featuring posts like these:
  • The benefits of choosing a tech-savvy brokerage
  • The benefits of hanging your license with a boutique brokerage
  • The benefits of finding a broker that is willing to train you
  • The benefits of using a CRM
  • The benefits of choosing a profitable real estate niche
Posts like these allow you to use your blog as a platform for making it abundantly clear why you are the obvious choice.
Just be careful that the posts don’t become redundant sales pitches. Keep the content relevant, useful, and undeniable. Be sure to support your claims with stats and research every chance that you get.

The Objections

No matter where you are in your career or who your ideal client is, you are faced with objections.
It is only natural for your target to put up a wall of resistance and offer objections to your claims and promises.
If you are like most people, you cringe at those objections and obstacles. However, I would argue that they are valuable pieces of inspiration for your real estate blog.
Let’s say that you are trying to get FSBOs to list with you. As you know, FSBOs are angry little bundles of objections that fight for every last penny of your commission with tenacity.
To the average real estate agent, those objections are obnoxious obstacles. Not to you though, because you now know that each of those objections can be turned into a blog post in order to get FSBO’s to trust and hire you.
I suggest getting creative with these and expanding the content well beyond your real estate blog.
For example, why not have FSBO’s call into your real estate podcast with their objections and tackle them? Or you could film shorts featuring common objections and share them on social, YouTube, SnapChat, and Instagram?

The Locals

I am obsessed with local content!!!
If you want to beat all of the tech giants, as well as your local competition, you need to make it to the top of the search engines.
Original, hyper-local content is by far the best way to do that.
You can use your real estate blog to turn yourself into the digital mayor of your market by featuring local businesses, prolific members of the community, schools, etc.. Not only will this do amazing things for your SEO, it will translate into a lot of free marketing for you.
Everytime that you feature someone or something on your real estate blog, be sure to share the article on your social and tag them. Also, ask that they share the article to help get more exposure. 9 times out of 10, they will be so grateful for the feature that they will happily promote the content, getting you loads of free exposure.

The Affiliates

Affiliate posts are wonderful for bolstering that passive income you dream about.
Since it is important to keep the content on your real estate blog valuable to the readers and clients you want to attract, make sure that those posts are still relevant.
In other words, if you’re a luxury listing agent, you stand nothing to gain from writing an article about low-budget products and services.
If you are creating local content, you may want to reach out to local businesses to see if they would be interested in an affiliate relationship with you.
Many of my clients partner-up with vendors like moving companies, inspectors, photographers, etc. for affiliate posts and sponsorships on their real estate blogs.

Wanna Build Your Real Estate Blog Into A Money Making Machine In Record Time?

If you recall, I started this post by asking you when would be a good time to start making money from your real estate blog.
There are several factors that go into making your blog profitable.
Today, I showed you how the content you create can make a major impact.
However, that is not the only factor to consider.
When it comes to ranking at the top of search engines, getting found by your ideal clients online, and making passive income that rivals your commissions, you also need to pay attention to the quantity and frequency of your content.
The basic laws of SEO require you to add fresh, original content frequently in order to reach that coveted number one spot. Those that add new original real estate content to their website more than their competitors will win the business every time.
Now, if you are anything like most people in this business, you don’t have enough spare time to create an extra 10, 20 or 30 blog posts a month.
That’s why you would be wise to outsource the task of creating all that money-making real estate content to a pro that can do it for you.
Would you be open-minded to finding out how I can help you convert leads and earn passive income by writing your real estate content? Let’s chat for a few minutes so I can share how I’ve helped many other real estate pros just like you get rich from their real estate blogs.


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