The Modern Real Estate Agent Pitfalls That Will Bust Your Bottom Line
[Related Articles] 4 Social Media Mistakes Real Estate Agents Make Daily How To Survive Your First Year In Real Estate 8 Costly Marketing Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making (And How To Fix Them) How would you feel if you woke up broke and looking for a job a year from now? Believe it or not, you could be a lot closer to that reality than you think! In today’s digital era of real estate, a few false moves and your real estate career could die faster than a fruit fly. Most of the time, the mistakes that are being made, like the ones I’m about to share with you, could have been easily avoided. Buying Your Leads These days there are roughly a million and one different companies that will sell you real estate leads. Some of them are pretty good. Most of them suck. Either way, neither are a good idea if you want to thrive in the digital era of real estate. Buying leads reminds me of the old adage about giving a man a fish versus teaching ...